Mirabilis jalapa Linn belongs to the family Nyctaginaceae and is a large herbaceous plant grown
in gardens throughout India. Mirabilis jalapa Linn is widely used in conventional medicine in
many parts of the world for the treatment of various diseases viz. virus inhibitory activity
anti-tumor activity etc. Very few reports are available on the architecture of pollen grains
image analysis Antimicrobial activity pharmacognostic and phytochemical nature of Mirabilis
jalapa Linn. The present project contains the following objectives: 1. Staining of pollen grain
and observation of meiotic stages. 2. Phytochemical studies of 3 different colored plant
varieties of M.jalapa by TLC. 3. Comparative Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activities of plant
leaf Extract (3 different colored varieties) of Mirabilis jalapa. 4. Image analysis of data got
by experimentation using software.