The investigation shows expectations of international students in Germany (GER) and the United
States of America (US) with a focus on cultural diversity management (CDM). Furthermore it
gives suggestions to companies in order to become more attractive as international employers in
the long run. In a first step the research objectives are determined followed by a definition
of the main terms of diversity management (DM) and CDM and hypotheses are developed. Then an
online survey among international students in GER and also international students in the US was
conducted. The results deriving from 318 participants are described and analyzed in the
study. Finally recommendations for companies on CDM are presented. The main findings describe
that DM is less prominent among international students in GER than among internationals in the
US (with 54 compared to 40 percent). Besides the dimensions of nationality and gender seem to
be very important for international students. Language courses further support and culturally
mixed teams are considered as most important expectations towards CDM in both countries. As
further expectations comments to the topics equality support integration and acceptance
understanding and awareness as well as good working atmosphere were given. As critical aspects
regarding CDM in GER mainly language barriers are described. The study gives further proof that
GER as well as the US are considered as attractive countries to work and study worldwide.
However more than half of the participating students perceived difficulties regarding the
search for a job in both countries. This work shall contribute further information to the
implementation of cultural diversity for companies as well as providing new insights for
researchers and universities into the topic of CDM. Thus it might be interesting for
international students HR managers diversity officers managers and other employees.