Detention under the Swastika. Bautzen I and II 1933-1945. Exhibition CatalogThe new permanent
exhibition deals with the Bautzen prisons as places of Nazi repression illuminating a
previously neglected topic: Hitler's prisons as part of the Nazi terror regime. The exhibition
focuses on case histories of the men and women who were imprisoned as opponents to the Nazi
regime in Bautzen: Communists Social Democrats homosexuals Jehovah's Witnesses Jews and
Sorbs small-time criminals branded antisocial and people held in prison for listening to
foreign radio stations. Also the perpetrators' stories are told in a way that highlights how
the Nazi ideology was established in the ranks of judicial officers. Texts historical
documents photographs and objects illuminate the inhuman Nazi justice. Finally the exhibition
deals with the years after 1945.A View into the book you can find under http: reader 98-440_BautzenIII