The publication offers a comprehensive overview of the impact of the Casablanca Art School. The
main protagonists Farid Belkahia Mohammed Chabâa Bert Flint Toni Maraini and Mohamed
Melehi together with students teachers and associated artists feature in the book with a
large number of works. In addition the catalogue explores the efforts to open up to local
history and changing social realities. These aspects are explored in more detail in an essay by
Fatima-Zahra Lakrissa on Morocco's vernacular artistic heritage and an examination of the role
and significance of public space by Maud Houssais. As founders of the Zamân Books & Curating
platform Morad Montazami and Madeleine de Colnet explore the counter-narratives of visual
modernism in Arab African and Asian arenas. Esther Schlicht is deputy director of the SCHIRN
Kunsthalle Frankfurt. Fatima-Zahra Lakrissa and Maud Houssais are independent researchers and