From scientific discoveries to animist beliefs from dread linked to genetic mutations to
political narratives from repulsion to fascination-plants are an inexhaustible source of
stories that reveal our most intimate desires and fears. The book questions human projections
and representations of the vegetal world bringing to light the subjectivity intelligence and
expressive abilities of plants. Lens-based images are primary witnesses to this. The
publication traces a visual history of plants linking art technology and science from the
mid-nineteenth century to the present day not chronologically but through two conceptual
frameworks: scientific and fictional. Bringing together more than thirty artists across
different periods of time and parts of the world it employs the logic of the science-fiction
novel taking us from a stable identifiable world and gradually plunging us into uncertain
landscapes. The exhibition curated by Clothilde Morette and Victoria Aresheva brings together
works by Anna Atkins Karl Blossfeldt Elspeth Diederix Sam Falls Joan Fontcuberta Stephen
Gill Jochen Lempert Angelica Mesiti Agnieszka Polska Anais Tondeur a. o.