The three regional economic communities (RECs) in Eastern and Southern Africa are the Common
Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) the East African Community (EAC) and the
Southern African Development Community (SADC). Together they have recognised the need to work
towards regional cooperation aimed at the eventual creation of a single regional economic
community or Tripartite Free Trade Agreement (TFTA). This will replace the existent RECs in
Eastern and Southern Africa to which the member states of these two regions have multiple
membership. The TFTA region comprises a total of 27 member states which have a combined
population of 527 million people and a combined gross domestic product (GDP) of USD 624
billion. These statistics translate into a potential regional economic powerhouse for Eastern
and Southern Africa. One of the major goals of the TFTA is to harmonise trade arrangements
among the three RECs improve the movement of goods and persons within the single integrated
region facilitate the joint implementation of regional infrastructure projects and enhance
co-operation of member states. This is a laudable initiative by the member states of the three
RECs and it is recognised that regional integration is the first step towards integration into
a multilateral trading system. For the TFTA member states it is crucial that there is an
awareness to move towards a review of domestic customs legislation and policy and to develop
regional supranational legislation and regulations in order to gain a stronger competitive
edge in the global market. This study shies away from proposing a quick fix? or instant
benefit? to the harmonisation of TFTA member states customs legislative frameworks and policies
and the development of a single automated interoperable electronic customs system. Rather it
places its focus on long-term sustainable benefits which will be realised over time. The
harmonisation of TFTA member state customs legislative policies and the resultant Information
and Communications Technology (ICT) reforms to the customs processes of the TFTA member states
though not immediate or short-term will strategically position the region to conduct business
in an increasingly volume driven fast paced electronic global economy.