This technical book provides a comprehensive practical overview of all aspects of track
alignment correction taking into account the relevant regulations of the DACH countries
(Germany Austria and Switzerland) and the United Kingdom. First of all the fundamentals of
track alignment and the interrelationships between track components and their stresses are
described in a clear and practical manner. Starting from these fundamentals of track alignment
the book then spans the thematic arc from the determination to the methods of measurement and
correction of track position defects to quality control. The entire tamping process including
all the necessary accompanying work is explained clearly and independently of the
manufacturer. Regardless of the existing level of knowledge this book offers interested
parties from all areas of railway engineering an insight into the planning execution and
acceptance of tamping work in the DACH countries and the UK. The six chapters of this book not
only provide a well-founded introduction to the basic aspects of railway track and track
construction but also give a comparison of the engineering principles adopted in these four
countries. This comparison provides an interesting insight into the practical implementation of
those technical principles and illustrates common features as well as differences. From the
legal provisions to the basics of the permanent way as well as measurement methods the book
describes the key concepts that are required for the design and maintenance of track geometry
on plain line track. The included e-book provides users of a device with pdf-reader (PC tablet
smartphone) the contents of the work also electronically and with search function.