Working across sculpture photography drawing and artist's books Roni Horn addresses identity
mutability and unease. The title of this book which accompanies the artist's exhibition of the
same name at the Museum Ludwig Cologne is borrowed from Patrick Henry a prominent
representative of the American independence movement in the eighteenth century who ended a
speech with the famous words: "Give me liberty or give me death!" By replacing liberty with
paradox Horn nods to her interest in the reconciliation of two contradictory answers an
important aspect in her work which also relates to her use of doubling or pairs. A seminal
example of this is This is Me This is You (1997-2000) photographs of the artist's niece taken
over a two-year period during her adolescence and presented on two opposite walls or a.k.a.
(2008-09) which captures the artist at different moments throughout her life. The catalogue
presents the more than 100 works in the exhibition including drawings from the late 1970s that
have never been shown before as well as a selection of pigment drawings made between 1983 and
2018. Co-published with Museum Ludwig Cologne Exhibition: Museum Ludwig Cologne 23 March
to 11 August 2024 Sprachen: Deutsch Englisch