Parrots: A Celebration of their Beauty Rosemary Low: My personal look at favourite parrot
species One of the most obvious traits about parrots is their outstanding beauty. Yet the
extraordinary truth is that no one had ever written a book to celebrate this aspect of these
amazing birds! Until now! Rosemary Low: My personal look at favourite parrot species
Internationale Neuerscheinung englischsprachig. Über 150 eindrucksvolle Seiten exzellente
Fotos persönliche Erinnerungen professionelle und liebevolle Blicke auf die Schönheit der
Papageien. Ein ausgezeichnetes Geschenk! One of the most obvious traits about parrots is their
outstanding beauty. Yet the extraordinary truth is that no one had ever written a book to
celebrate this aspect of these amazing birds! Until now! Rosemary Low takes a look at parrots
and their plumage in a way that has never been done before. For 60 years she has marvelled at
their unparalleled variety of colours and designs. From the 12 cm long Blue-crowned Hanging
Parrot (Loriculus galgulus) a living tropical jewel to the startling hyacinth plumage of the
biggest parrot of the Neotropics (one metre in length) the surprises among the many species
are never-ending. The first part of this book focuses on their colours and their beauty. In one
fascinating chapter she describe the results of a poll of 44 leading parrot scientists
conservationists artists and photographers from 15 countries for their Top Ten most Beautiful
Parrots. Not to be missed! Part II provides details and more technical information on how
parrot feathers get their colours (including pigments that are unique to parrots) why
different areas of plumage vary in colour and what drives coloration - not only the need for
camouflage. In Part III 45 parrot species are selected for an in-depth look at their plumage
and habits.