The importance of audio-visual documents for new approaches in the field of musicology How are
music and sound involved in the creation of audiovisual documents? What kind of quantitative
and qualitative research permits the examination of music and more generally sound for
Austrian (music) history on the basis of digitized audiovisual sources? These questions were
approached in the interdisciplinary Digital Humanities project Telling Sounds at the University
of Music and Performing Arts. This volume consists of various case studies conducted by the
members of the team. The project's main task was the conception and development of a Digital
Humanities research tool: LAMA -Linked Annotations for Media Analysis. It was designed for the
purpose of using machine-readable open data to annotate and link the ways in which music has
been used and contextualized in different audio and audiovisual media texts in different times
throughout Austrian history. Each of the case studies is dedicated to different genres of music
media texts and events or timespans in history.