A new manga adaptation of Musashi's legendary BOOK OF FIVE RINGS! Miyamoto Musashi is the
greatest swordsman who ever lived. He is renowned for his fighting prowess and famous for
having never having been defeated. Then he mysteriously disappeared at the relatively young age
of 29 to meditate and study. This book tells the fascinating story of Musashi's return from
isolation as he pens his great masterpiece on military tactics The Book of Five Rings and
begins to train a new generation of Samurai warriors. The exciting events recounted in this
book include: How and why Musashi wrote The Book of Five Rings a revolutionary work that has
become the most widely-read book on swordsmanship and Samurai strategy ever written The
important lessons he provides including the idea of no mind or what we now call flow which
involves endless practice emptying your mind of thoughts to move intuitively without thinking
Musashi's school for young Samurai warriors where students flock to study with the great master
and his final days as he passes the torch to a new generation and solidifies his legacy as
Japan's greatest swordsman Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings: The Manga Edition is a
beautifully-illustrated look at the life and legacy of Japan's greatest warrior in graphic
novel form.