The Three Initiates who authored The Kybalion chose to remain anonymous. As a result a great
deal of speculation has been made about who actually wrote the book. The most common proposal
is that The Kybalion was authored by William Walker Atkinson (1862 -1932) either alone or with
others such as Paul Foster Case (1884 -1954) and Elias Gewurz . The Kybalion is based on the
extensive research and study of the world-old Hermetic Teachings. The book has dedicated to
everyone interested in Secret Doctrines. There has been so little written upon this subject
not withstanding the countless references to the Teachings in the many works upon occultism
that the many earnest searchers after the Arcane Truths will doubtless welcome the appearance
of this present volume. The purpose of this work is not the enunciation of any special
philosophy or doctrine but rather is to give to the students a statement of the Truth that
will serve to reconcile the many bits of occult knowledge that they may have acquired but
which are apparently opposed to each other and which often serve to discourage and disgust the
beginner in the study. Our intent is not to erect a new Temple of Knowledge but rather to
place in the hands of the student a Master-Key with which he may open the many inner doors in
the Temple of Mystery through the main portals he has already entered. (Three Initiates The