Research over the years has demonstrated that free radicals mediated oxidative stress lies at
the helm of almost all patho-physiological phenomena. These findings emphasize on the need to
understand the underlying molecular mechanism(s) and their critical role in the pathogenesis.
This book aims to focus on these areas to provide readers a comprehensive outlook about the
major redox sensitive pathways and networks involved in various disease conditions. In the
first chapter of the book basic information about the oxidative stress its generation its
biomarkers and its role in body are discussed. In the next three chapters the role of
oxidative stress in various pathologies ranging from neurological disorders to cardiovascular
diseases cancers metabolic diseases and ageing have been described. Chapter 5 cumulatively
describes the most important molecular signaling pathways that are affected by reactive oxygen
species (ROS). These are the mechanisms which are common denominators in various pathological
states. In the next part of the book various antioxidant strategies to target and mitigate ROS
have been discussed with details on the mechanisms. Selenium being the research focus and
interest of the authors for years the role of selenium as an antioxidant as part of
selenoproteins has been included in the book. Finally the book culminates with authors'
perspective on the future of the redox biology field. Throughout the book efforts have been
made to use simplified language and suitable figures for ease to understand the contents.
Although the authors have tried to touch on all the different aspects of oxidative stress in
detail the fact that it is a continuously growing field with updates coming every day there
might be some areas which might not be described in depth. This book is designed for students
young scientists to get acquainted with the redox biology. Overall this book is a reference to
understand the redox regulation of cellular signaling pathways involved in pathogenesis.