The idea of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications (ICICA
2014) is to bring the Research Engineers Scientists Industrialists Scholars and Students
together from in and around the globe to present the on-going research activities and hence to
encourage research interactions between universities and industries. The conference provides
opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas applications and experiences to
establish research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. The
proceedings covers latest progresses in the cutting-edge research on various research areas of
Image Language Processing Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Machine Learning Data
Mining and Computational Life Sciences Management of Data including Big Data and Analytics
Distributed and Mobile Systems including Grid and Cloud infrastructure Information Security
and Privacy VLSI Electronic Circuits Power Systems Antenna Computational fluid dynamics &
Heat transfer Intelligent Manufacturing Signal Processing Intelligent Computing Soft
Computing Bio-informatics Bio Computing Web Security Privacy and E-Commerce E-governance
Service Orient Architecture Data Engineering Open Systems Optimization Communications
Smart wireless and sensor Networks Smart Antennae Networking and Information security
Machine Learning Mobile Computing and Applications Industrial Automation and MES Cloud
Computing Green IT IT for Rural Engineering Business Computing Business Intelligence ICT
for Education for solving hard problems and finally to create awareness about these domains to
a wider audience of practitioners.