The book addresses the sustainability of cities in the context of sustainability science and
its application to the city boundary. In doing so it investigates all the components of a city
on the basis of sustainability criteria. To achieve sustainability it is essential to adopt an
integrated strategy that reflects all sectors within the city boundary and also address the
four key normative concepts: the right to develop for all sections social inclusion
convergence in living standards and shared responsibility and opportunities among sectors and
sections. In this book the individual chapters examine the nodes of sustainability of a city
and thus essentially present a large canvas wherein all sustainability-relevant issues are
interwoven. This integrative approach is at the heart of the book and offers an extensive
innovative framework for future research on cities and sustainability alike. The book also
includes selected case studies that add to the reading and comprehensionvalue of the concepts
presented ensuring a blend of theory and practical case studies to help readers better
comprehend the principle of sustainability and its application.