Handcrafted Indian textiles steeped in tradition are the living heritage of the glory of
India. The decade spanning 1980-1990 witnessed a renaissance in the promotion and revival of
techniques some of which were in danger of becoming extinct. Warps and wefts underwent a
transformation with assorted weaves being combined to produce 'new from the old'. The hundred
and forty outstanding textiles represented in this book were selected from fifteen hundred
especially commissioned from master weavers and craftsmen all over the country during the same
decade. Displayed at the Visvakarma series of exhibitions their wide-ranging vocabulary of
design technical skill and aesthetic brilliance brook no rivalry. Featured under
pigment-painted dye-painted printed and woven techniques the book showcases various regions
of production. The historical legacy source of inspiration achievements and shortcomings of
each category are summed up with an informal though analytical discussion. Written and edited
by renowned names in textile design this book is indeed a treasure for both the textile
aficionado and designer.