A better friend|Agnus Dei|A human right|All we wanna do|A star is shining tonight|Because of
you|Behold the lamb of god|Bless the Lord|Bless the Lord postlude|Born again|Celebrate|Closer
to you|Come let us sing|Comin' back|Credo|Don't be discouraged|Don't miss the change|Eternal
sunshine|Fader var|Father|Forever we worship you|Get on board (The gospeltrain)|Get
together|Get up|Gloria|Glory to god almighty|God so loved the world|Halleluja I will thank the
lord|Heaven|He loves me|He will never stop loving me|He won't pass you by|His love is
everlasting|His name will shine|Holy holy holy|Holy is the lamb|I call on your name|I'm willing
to go|In his hands|In the name of Jesus|In your arms|It's alright|I wanna be ready|I will lift
up mine eyes|Jesus i love you|Joy to my soul|Joy to the world|Kyrie|Let the sunshine|Let us go
into the house of the lord|Lift up the name of Jesus|Lord I give you glory|Love is a wonderful
thing|Mariavise|Mitt hjerte alltid vanker|Nearer my god to thee|Never gonna lose my way|Never
let me go|O come all ye faithful (Adeste fideles Herbei o ihr Gläubigen)|Once upon a time|On
the cross of Calvary|Open up my heart|Postludium|Power|Prayer for the city|Precious to
me|Präludium|Reaching heaven with our song|Real love|Right here at your feet|Sanctus|Santo|Save
the children|Shine your light|Shout for joy to the lord|Silverlining|Some barn i ditt
hus|Sweetest name I know|Teach us your way|That's why I sing|The day you set me free|The light
of the world|The lord's blessing|The new millennium|There's a candle|There's a light|This is
the day (a wedding song)|This is the lord's doing|Velsignelsen|We give thanks|We lift our
hands|When you believe|When you need a friend|Worthy of all praise|You are the joy in me|You
are the light|Your love|Your precious love|Your word|Your word is a lamp to my feet