La primera novela histórica del autor de El castillo ambientada en la trepidante época de la
batalla de Lepanto. > Es una mala época para España amenazada por musulmanes rebeldes en
Granada herejes en Flandes e Inglaterra y sobre todo la lucha contra los turcos por el
control del Mediterráneo. Un tiempo apasionante que desemboca en la batalla de Lepanto donde
se dice que se derramó tanta sangre que el mar se tiñó de rojo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The first
historical novel by the author of El Castillo The Castle set in the chaotic era of the
Battle of Lepanto. It is the year 1560 Alejandro Farnesio Prince of Parma goes to study at
the University of Alcalá de Henares in Spain where he crosses paths with Prince Carlos heir
to the Spanish throne and with Don Juan de Austria Felipe II's legitimate brother. These are
bad times for Spain threatened by rebellious Muslims in Granada religious heretics in
Flanders and in England and most importantly an ongoing fight against the Turks for control
of the Mediterranean Sea. These are exciting times that resulted in the Battle of Lepanto
where legend has it there was so much blood spilt the sea was dyed red. An entertaining novel
and incredibly simple to read. Highly recommended. -Hislibris