2 The night|Abacab Genesis|Africa|Against all odds (take a look at me now) Collins Phil|All
at once|All night long (all night) Richie Lionel|Angels|Another day in paradise Collins
Phil|As long as you love me|Baby can I hold you|Back for good|Baila
Zucchero|Bamboleo|Bohemian rhapsody Queen|Broken wings|Calling you|Can you feel the love
tonight John Elton|Candle in the wind John Elton|Careless whisper Michael George|Circle
of life John Elton|Cloud number nine Adams Bryan|Time to say goodbye (con te partiro)
Brightman Sarah + Bocelli Andrea|Corazon espinado Santana|Can't stop thinking of you|Crazy
little thing called love Queen|Do they know it's christmas Band Aid|Don't worry be happy
McFerrin Bobby|Ebony and ivory McCartney Paul + Wonder Stevie|El meneaito|Endless love
Richie Lionel + Ross Diana|Enola gay|Everybody (Backstreet's back) Backstreet Boys|Everytime
you go away|Feeling good|Flashdance (what a feeling)|Gift|Girls just want to have fun Lauper
Cyndi|Gloria|Hello|Here with me|Hips don't lie Shakira|Home|Hymne|I have nothing|I just
called to say I love you Wonder Stevie|I just can't stop loving you Jackson Michael|I like
Chopin|I will always love you Houston Whitney|In the air tonight Collins Phil|Inside a
flower|Kiss me|La banana|La flace|La isla bonita Madonna|La solitudine|Labyrinth|Last
christmas Wham|Like a virgin Madonna|Luka|Makarena|My heart will go on Dion Celine|Never
forget|No more I love you's Lennox Annie|One moment in time|Paradise|People from Ibiza|Quit
playing games (with my heart) Backstreet Boys|Radio ga ga Queen|Romanza|Say you'll be there
Spice Girls|Say you say me Richie Lionel|Self control|Shout|Sleeping in your hand|Smooth
operator Sade|Someone to watch over me|Sussudio Collins Phil|Tarzan Boy|Tears in heaven
Clapton Eric|That's what friends are for|The captain of her heart|The final countdown
Europe|The show must go on Queen|Through the barricades|Ti amo|Time after time|To be number
one - Summer 1990|Torn|True colors|Unchained melody Righteous Brothers|Unforgivable
sinner|Viva forever|Walk like an egyptian Bangles|We are the world USA for
Africa|Why|Wicked game Isaak Chris|Woman in love|Wonderwall Oasis|You can leave your hat on
Cocker Joe|Your song John Elton