2 The night|A blue shadow|Adagio c-moll Marcello Benedetto|Adagio g-moll Albinoni
Tomaso|Africa|Alexandra|Alfred Hitchcock presents|Alpha|Amazing grace|Amore grande amore
libero|An American in Paris|Andante Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus|Anonimo veneziano|Antarctica
echoes|Apache|Air Bach Johann Sebastian|Ballade pour Adeline Clayderman Richard|Blue
dolphin|Bourree Bach Johann Sebastian|Braveheart|Can can (aus Orpheus in der Unterwelt)
Offenbach Jacques|Celebre tarantella|Tanz der Stunden (aus La Gioconda) Ponchielli
Amilcare|Ungarischer Tanz 5 Brahms Johannes|Djamballa|Duelling banjos|El bimbo|El condor
pasa|Emmanuelle|Eric's theme|Erin shore|Europa (Earth's cry heaven's smile)
Santana|Exodus|Five circles|Flor d'luna|Giochi probitio|Giu la testa|Greensleeves|Hedwig's
theme|Hide away|Histoire d'o|Honky tonk trian blues|Horizons|Hymne|Der Schwan|Morgenstimmung op
46 1 (aus Peer Gynt Suite) Grieg Edvard|Il silenzio|Hummelflug Rimsky Korsakoff Nikolai|In
the mood|Ode an die Freude (aus Sinfonie 9) Beethoven Ludwig van|Is there anybody out there
Pink Floyd|Je t'aime moi non plus|L'enfant|La morte del cigno Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|La
playa|La serenissima|Love is blue|Flashdance love theme|Love's theme|L'ultima neve di
primavera|Maple leaf Rag Joplin Scott|Triumphmarsch (aus Aida) Verdi Giuseppe|Menuett
Boccherini Luigi|Moby Dick Led Zeppelin|Chariots of fire Vangelis|Mood indigo|Wiegenlied
Brahms Johannes|Once upon a time in america|Pavane Faure Gabriel|Playing love|Pomp and
circumstance Elgar Edward|Pop corn|Präludium C-Dur Bach Johann Sebastian|Profondo
rosso|Repent walpurgis - Fortuna|Rhapsody in blue|Romanze F-Dur Beethoven Ludwig van|Sabbia
(Lawrence d'Arabia)|Saharan dream|Samba Pa Ti Santana|Sensitive and delicated|Serenade
Schubert Franz|Signe|Sinfonie 5 c-moll op 67 (Schicksal) Beethoven Ludwig van|Sinfonie 40
g-moll KV 550 Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus|Liebestraum|Soleado|Song for guy John Elton|Star wars
main theme|Suoni|Tequila|Terry theme (aus Limelight)|The entertainer Joplin Scott|A summer
place theme|Shaft theme|Toreador (aus Carmen) Bizet Georges|Tristesse op 10 3 Chopin
Frederic|Tubular bells|Blade runner theme|Blade runner love theme