Haflingers are truly fascinating - beautiful strikingly expressive and equipped with plenty of
character. The breed originated at the heart of the Alps and was shaped and carved by life in
these unique mountain landscapes. Here Haflingers are not just one of many horse breeds: They
have long been part of the culture and everyday life of the people in their homelands. At the
same time they have now become one of the most popular small horse breeds in the world.This is
a vivid account of what it means to grow up with a Haflinger which significance the breed has
for locals and how deeply rooted it is in its region of origin. What has forged the character
and charms of the breed? What was life with a Haflinger like in the past and what shape does
it take today? Dotted with insights into the history of the breed and everyday local life a
common thread is woven through the three territories that make up the modern-day Euroregion
Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino highlighting the similarities and peculiarities that have come to
characterise Haflingers and those passionate about them.The Haflinger Trail guides the reader
through the book and connects key locations in the past and the present of the breed. It is
this connection that lies at the heart of a set of plans for a long-distance Haflinger bridle
path across three territories and two countries: an equestrian route lined with enchanting
points of interest at which to experience the fascination of Haflingers and get to know the
people who have closely accompanied the breed throughout its history. Authentic encounters with
horses and humans shaped by the nature and landscape in which they live and thrive: a foray
into the past present and future of the Haflinger breed.