In the context of the highly commercial system of publishing the role of the publisher is
constantly questioned and challenged. The purpose of this volume is to highlight the work of
one outstanding Canadian editor Douglas Gibson currently working at McClelland & Stewart.
These in-depth interviews carried out by Christine Evain in 2005 and 2006 in Toronto cover a
broad spectrum of topics including the difference between publishing fiction and non-fiction
and an analysis of the book industry today. Not only do these interviews give us a glimpse of
Douglas Gibson's impressive editorial career but they also reveal an exceptional depth found
in his relationships and friendships with «his» authors - Robertson Davies Alice Munro W.O.
Mitchell Mavis Gallant Jack Hodgins and Alistair MacLeod. This volume also contains several
articles by Douglas Gibson himself which illustrate his work as an editor. Also included here
are samples of his correspondence giving us an example of some of the elements to be found in
the «Douglas Gibson Books» archives entrusted to McMaster University.