With the end of the Cold War and the triumph of globalization many believed that nationalism
was now a thing of the past: instead the opposite is true. The essays in this anthology are
based on the Engelsberg Seminar in 2017 where different kinds of identity formation were
considered. How does a nation emerge? How is unity achieved in an empire with a diverse
population? These wide-ranging essays consider the issue from a number of vantage points
touching upon figures as diverse as Garibaldi Trump Hitler Napoleon and more. Contributors
include: Philip Bobbitt Gillian Clark Christopher Coker Carlos Escudé Richard J. Evans
Jonathan Fenby Robin Lane Fox Jessica Frazier David Goodhart Freddy Gray Steven Grosby
Tom Holland Lawrence James Jeremy Jennings Josef Joffe Rob Johnson Charles S. Maier Tim
Marshall Iain Martin Janne Haaland Matláry Simon Mayall Lucy Riall Larry Siedentop Lars
Trägårdh Maurizio Viroli Harvey Whitehouse Peter H. Wilson and Martina Winkelhofer.