This book focuses on major amendments introduced in the Brussels I regulatory framework. The
contributions scrutenise the changes introduced in the Brussels Ibis Regulation a legal
instrument that presents a core of the unification of private international law rules on the
European Union level. It is one of the first publications addressing all the changes in the
Brussels I regulatory scheme which takes into consideration relevant CJEU case law up to July
2016.The texts written by legal scholars who have published extensively in the field of
private international law and international civil procedure will add to the development of EU
private international law. In addition the authors' critical analysis may open further
discussions on the topic and so benefit a consistent and harmonised application of the
Regulation. In this respect the book takes a different approach than the commentaries which
have so far been published. It is primarily meant for legal academics in private international
law and practitioners who are regularly engaged in cross-border civil proceedings. It may also
be of added value to advanced students and to those with a particular interest in the subject
of international litigation and more generally in the area of dispute resolution.Vesna Lazic is
a Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut an Associate Professor of Private Law at
Utrecht University and Professor of European Civil Procedure at the University of Rijeka.Steven
Stuij is an expert in Private International Law and an external Ph.D. candidate at Erasmus
School of Law Rotterdam.