This work presents the Clifford-Cauchy-Dirac (CCD) technique for solving problems involving the
scattering of electromagnetic radiation from materials of all kinds.It allows anyone who is
interested to master techniques that lead to simpler and more efficient solutions to problems
of electromagnetic scattering than are currently in use. The technique is formulated in terms
of the Cauchy kernel single integrals Clifford algebra and a whole-field approach. This is in
contrast to many conventional techniques that are formulated in terms of Green's functions
double integrals vector calculus and the combined field integral equation (CFIE). Whereas
these conventional techniques lead to an implementation using the method of moments (MoM) the
CCD technique is implemented as alternating projections onto convex sets in a Banach space.The
ultimate outcome is an integral formulation that lends itself to a more direct and efficient
solution than conventionally is thecase and applies without exception to all types of
materials. On any particular machine it results in either a faster solution for a given
problem or the ability to solve problems of greater complexity. The Clifford-Cauchy-Dirac
technique offers very real and significant advantages in uniformity complexity speed storage
stability consistency and accuracy.