This is the first book covering original information on the mathematical science of such the
artifacts as 3M&I-body system in which 3M means human material machine money and I means
the information method in nature versus artifacts. This book is the product of industrial
engineering versus Wiener's cybernetics challenge for a half-century. For 3M&I-body there are
two approaches of artificial intelligence IoT (internet of things) and Matsui's matrix 3D to
systemization and control. The former is the analogical and visual approach to real entity. The
latter is the digital and logical approach to system decision and is applied to the robotics of
bodies. The mathematical science of a body is well constructed from the algebra geometry
analysis and control on Matsui's equation toward the sandwich and balancing propositions of
bodies. The sandwich issues propose the squeeze or pinching theorem in mathematics at the
3M&I-body and the balancing issues propose the principle of balancing and invisible
collaboration of bodies beginning from the work of Archimedes. This book contributes to the
integration of knowledge and intelligence in science and facilitate the realization of the
cyber real-world such as the enterprise robot cloud-coordinated supply-chain management
(SCM) and smart cities in the near future.