This book describes the wave characteristics of contact lines taking wind into consideration
and discusses new methods for detecting catenary geometry pantograph slide fault and catenary
support system faults. It also introduces wire-irregularity detection methods for catenary
estimation and discusses modern spectrum estimation tools for catenary.It is organized in
three parts: the first discusses statistical characteristics of pantograph-catenary data such
as stationarity periodicity correlation high-order statistical properties and wave
characteristics of contact lines which are the basis of pantograph-catenary relationship
analysis. The second part includes geometry parameter detection and support-system fault
detection in catenary as well as slide-fault detection in pantographs and presents some new
detection algorithms and plans. The final part addresses catenary estimation including
detection of contact-line wire irregularities and estimation of catenary based on spectrum and
presents detection methods for contact-line irregularity and modern spectrum estimation tools
for catenary.