The book is focused on measurement automation specifically using the LabView tool. It explains
basic measurements in a simplified manner with appropriate step-by-step explanations and
discussions of instrument capabilities. It touches upon aspects of measurement science
microwave measurements and software development for measurement. The book can be used as a
guide by technicians researchers and scientists involved in metrology laboratories to automate
measurements. The book explains the development process for automation of measurement systems
for every step of the software development lifecycle. It covers system design and automation
policy creation. The book uses a top-down approach which enables the reader to relate their own
problems and develop a system with their own analysis. The book includes many examples
illustrations flowcharts measurement results and screenshots of a worked-out automation
software for microwave measurement. The book includes discussions on microwave
measurements-attenuation microwave power and E-field strength. The contents of this book will
be of interest to students researchers and scientists working in the field of electromagnetism
antennas communication and electromagnetic interference electromagnetic compatibility (EMI