This book presents the latest research on honeypots and their applications. After introducing
readers to the basic concepts of honeypots and common types it reviews various honeypot
frameworks such as web-server-based client-based shadow and artificially intelligent
honeypots. In addition it offers extensive information on the contribution of honeypots in
some of the most popular malware research area such as DDoS Worm APT forensics and Bot
attacks. The book subsequently tackles the issue of honeypot countermeasures shows many of the
tricks often used by hackers to discover honeypots and proposes a counter-countermeasure to
help conceal them. It then puts forward a new framework that integrates various novel concepts
and which can feasibly be used for the detection of potential ransomware and bitcoin. As such
the book provides non-experts with a concise guide to honeypots and will also benefit
practitioners working on security systems.