This book analyzes the structural factors that underlie the persistent mass poverty and extreme
inequality in South Asian countries. It highlights the fact that the supposed trade-off between
output growth and job creation is a false dilemma. Growth can create jobs and jobs can drive
growth mutually reinforcing one another. Increased employment and better jobs would mitigate
the problems arising from a widening inequality gap. The book argues that policies focused on
employment generation mostly through industrialization are the way forward in terms of
providing livelihoods sustaining growth and reducing inequality. The book is divided into two
main parts. Part A explores cases in selected countries in South Asia in detail primarily
focusing on the opportunities and challenges of job creation in the manufacturing sector as
well as related issues including constraints on manufacturing-sector growth in South Asia
exports and trade linkages participation in value chains and the role of investment. In turn
Part B addresses a number of aspects that can promote a deeper understanding of strategies for
industrialization and employment creation in the South Asian context including regional
cooperation skill development and industrial competitiveness. Gathering contributions from
some of the region's top minds this book is of interest to scholars researchers policymakers
and industry analysts alike.