This book starts with four aspects - subject's cognition way of thinking political value and
ideology conducts comparative studies on political culture. Amid using the concept of
political culture in western academic circles it makes comprehensive supplement for this
concept and put forward an updated concept of political culture which is more localized. This
new concept on the grounds of the comparison with political system takes political culture as
the subjective side of political system and incorporates ideology into political culture thus
undoubtedly enriching our knowledge of political culture. On the basis of clarifying the
concept of political culture and establishing the comparative dimension of it this book widely
refers to the outlooks of individuals nations society and power of political cognition the
modes of objectives directions and methods of political ideas democratic awareness legal
concept and system selection of political value as well as liberalism and republicanism etc.
All these bring substantial benefits to promoting and deepening the comparative studies on
political culture. This book can not only be used for the teaching undergraduate and graduates
who major in Politics but also used as the reference book for politics academic research.