This book applies Rasch measurement theory to the fields of education psychology sociology
marketing and health outcomes in order to measure various social constructs. The chief focus is
on first principles of both the theory and its applications. Because software is readily
available to carry out analyses of real data numerous small examples are provided in the book.
The software used in these examples and which is helpful in working through the text is
RUMM2030 (Rasch unidimensional models for measurement). The book's main goals are to equip
researchers with the confidence they need in order to be in control of the analysis and
interpretation of data and to make professional rather than primarily statistical decisions
mechanically. Because statistical principles are necessarily involved reviews of the requisite
statistics are provided in the Appendix. The content is based on courses that have been taught
both online and in intensive form for over two decades. Although first principles are
emphasised much of the book is based on research conducted by the two authors and their