This book explains the basic concepts of the performance management including the achievement
of government goals management capacity administrative efficiency and policy effects. Taking
Hangzhou one of the largest cities in China as an example the book offers readers a new
dimension through which the government can be understood and reformed-performance. Performance
management has become an important component of public administration in China and its use is
beneficial in evaluating performance and social benefit. It also incentivizes civil servants to
become more motivated and innovative prevents the development of a bureaucratic atmosphere and
facilitates communication between the public sector and the people. The book first introduces
the concept of the performance management providing a detailed description of its history
basic theories and its development. It then discusses the evolution of the system (from
objective-based responsibility system evaluation to votefor excellence) its three basic areas
(performance management on the national local and municipal levels) and its key components:
openness democracy accountability and performance. This book allows readers to gain a deeper
understanding of the importance of government performance management in China and its
contribution to the modernization of state governance and political legitimacy.