Nonlinear behavior of light such as chaos can be observed during propagation of a laser beam
inside the microring resonator (MRR) systems. This Brief highlights the design of a system of
MRRs to generate a series of logic codes. An optical soliton is used to generate an entangled
photon. The ultra-short soliton pulses provide the required communication signals to generate a
pair of polarization entangled photons required for quantum keys. In the frequency domain MRRs
can be used to generate optical millimetre-wave solitons with a broadband frequency of 0-100
GHz. The soliton signals are multiplexed and modulated with the logic codes to transmit the
data via a network system. The soliton carriers play critical roles to transmit the data via an
optical communication link and provide many applications in secured optical communications.
Therefore transmission of data information can be performed via a communication network using
soliton pulse carriers. A system known as optical multiplexer can be used to increase the
channel capacity and security of the signals.