¿This book uses Chinese version of dialectics to present interpretations of ocean governance
international regimes issues in the South China Sea in general and the Chinese U-shaped line
in particular through the one-dot theory. It especially serves as a tool for non-Chinese
researchers and experts interested in analyzing international relations issues from a Chinese
perspective. The dialectical one-dot theory which is a superior model to the dialectical Yin
and Yang or the dialectical crab and frog motion model provides research and findings that
more closely mirror reality than do other non-dialectical approaches and research methods.
Further it can be applied to both the natural and social sciences. The book is divided into
three parts ¿ Methodology Case Studies Related to International Regimes and Non-¿International
Regimes ¿ and Issues Related to the U-shaped Line in the South China Sea ¿ with each chapter
structured in terms of the one-dot theory. In addition to researchers and experts involved in
marine and maritime affairs this book will also appeal to all readers interested in Chinese
Philosophy International Relations and Strategic Culture.