Alexander's Hornpipe|Back of the haggard|The bantry lasses|The bashful bachelor|The Belfast
lasses|Biddy is my darling|The black eyes sailor|Bonaparte's advance|Bonnie Kate|The boys from
the east|The boys of Carrigallen|Captain O'Neill|Charles Machugh|Clark's Hornpipe|Colonel
McBain|Come in from the rain|Come to the dance|The curragh races|The devil in Dublin|The
devil's dream|The Dublin lasses|Everybody's fancy|The fair maidens|Fisher's Hornpipe|The
flower's of spring|The girls of our town|The girl with the laughing eyes|Glengariff Bay|The
goodnatured man|Gordon's tune|The handsome plowboy|The harvest home|Higgins' hornpipe|The house
on the hill|The humors of castle berhard|The idle road|Jim Boulton's fancy|Johnny
Doyle|Johnny's wedding|The kildare fancy|The kilfinana hornpipe|Kitty of Coleraine|Lady
Forbes|Leather away with the wattle|Leather buttons|The linen cap|The Londonderry Hornpipe|Long
John's wedding|The lough Carra Fisherman|The lover's discourse|The lucky lover|The man from
Newry|The men from ulster|The merry old maid|The miller's maid|Miss Crawford|Miss thornton's
reel|More luck to us|The morning air|The mountains of Kerry|The mullingar races|Murphy's
hornpipe|Murray's hornpipe|Music in the glen|My love is a band boy|The new moon|O'Connor's
favorite|O'fenlon's hornpipe|O for one and twenty|Old as the hills|The old blind bard|Old man
Quinn|The old storyteller|O'Reilly's fancy|The pansy blossom|The parson boasts of mild
ale|Peter Street|The pleasures of home|Pretty Maggie Morrissey|The rakes of Mallow|The
reconciliation|The rocks of Cashel|Salamanca Reel|The scholar|She's as false as she's fair|The
slipper hornpipe|Spellan's fancy|Spellan's fiddle|Spellan the fiddler|The sweep's
hornpipe|Tady' wattle|The tent at the fair|The three captains|Tomorrow morning|Touch me if you
dare|The trumpet hornpipe|When you meet a pretty girl