Alone together|Am I blue|As time goes by|Begin the beguine|Blue moon|Blues in the night|Body
and soul|Candy|Chances are|Coquette|Dancing in the dark|Days of wine and roses|Don't blame
me|Don't get around much anymore|Dream|Embraceable you|Fools rush in|For once in my life|The
good life|Good morning heartache|Hey there|How long has this been going on|I can't begin to
tell you|I can't get started|I can't give you anything but love|I fall in love too easily|I get
a kick out of you|I got it bad and that ain't good|I gotta right to sing the blues|I guess I'll
have to change my plan|I had the craziest dream|I only have eyes for you|I thought about
you|I'll see you in my dreams|I'm a fool to want you|I'm always chasing rainbows|I'm in the
mood for love|It had to be you|I've got a crush on you|Just friends|Just one of those
things|Just you just me|Laura|Love for sale|Love is a many splendored thing|Love me or leave
me|Love walked in|Lover come back to me|The man I love|Miss Celie's Blues|Moonglow|The more I
see you|More than you know|My funny Valentine|My heart stood still|My man|Night and day|Once in
a while|Over the rainbow|Prelude to a kiss|Ruby|The second time around|Serenade In Blue|The
shadow of your smile|Solitude|Someone to watch over me|Something's gotta give|Star dust|The
summer knows (Theme from Summer of 42)|Summer me winter me|Taking a chance on love|That's
all|Thinking of you|Time after time|Time on my hands|What are you doing the rest of your
life|What is this thing called love|What's new|When your lover has gone|Where or when|Why try
to change me now|You go to my head|You'll never know|Young at heart|You're getting to be a
habit with me