All at once|Always and forever|Baby|Baby come to me|Born under a bad sign|Cheaper To Keep
Her|Sittin' on the dock of the bay Redding Otis|Green onions|Hold on I'm comin'|I can't stand
the rain|If loving you is wrong I don't want to be right|I thank you|If ever you're in my arms
again|In the midnight hour|I'll never love this way again|I'll take you there|I've been loving
you too long|Knock on wood|Lady in my life|Let's stay together Green Al|Miss you like
crazy|Mr Pitiful|No night so long|On the wings of love|One in a million you|Private dancer
Turner Tina|Private number|Respect|Respect yourself|634-5789|Soul man|Take me to the
river|Theme from Shaft|These arms of mine|Thriller Jackson Michael|Tired of being alone|Touch
a hand make a friend|Walkin' the dog|When something is wrong with my Baby|Who's making
love|Winding winding road|You don't know like I know