Abide with me|All hail the power of Jesus' name|All the way my savior leads me|Amazing grace|Be
still my soul|Beneatz the cross of Jesus|Blessed assurance|Blest be the tie that binds|Christ
the lord is risen today|The church's one foundation|Come thou almighty king|Come thou long
expected Jesus|Crown him with many crowns|Day by day|Fairest lord Jesus|Faith to your
father|For the beauty of the earth|God is our father|God will take care of you|He leadeth
me|His eye is on the sparrow|Holy holy holy|I know whom I have believed|I love to tell the
story|I need thee every hour|I surrender all|In Christ there is no east or west|In the
garden|IN THE SWEET BY AND BY|It is well with my soul|Jesus is all the world to me|Jesus loves
me|Joyful joyful we adore the (Freude schöner Götterfunken)|Just a closer walk with thee|Just
as I am|Kum ba yah|Leaning on the everlasting arms|May Jesus Christ be praised|A mighty
fortress is our god|Moment by moment|My faith looks up to thee|My Jesus I love thee|Near the
cross|Near to the heart of god|Nearer my god to thee|O God our help in ages past|The old rugged
cross|Only trust him|Onward Christian soldiers|Pass me not|Praise him praise him|Praise to the
lord the almighty|Revive us again|Rock of ages|Savior like the shepherd lead us|Shall we gather
at the river|Softly and tenderly|Stand up stand up for Jesus|Sweet hour of prayer|Take my life
and let it be consecrated|Take the name of Jesus with me|This is my father's world|Thou wilt
keep him in perfect peace|It is so weet to trust in Jesus|Were you there|What a friend we have
in Jesus|When I survey the wondrous cross|When morning gilds the skies|When the roll is called
up yonder|When we all get to heaven