All the things you are|The birth of the blues|Blue moon|Caravan|Cry me a river|A foggy day|The
girl from Ipanema (garota de Ipanema)|Honeysuckle rose|I'll remember April|I'm beginning to see
the light|In a sentimental mood|It don't mean a thing (if it ain't got that swing)|Jumpin' at
the woodside|The lady is a tramp|Limehouse Blues|Little boy lost|Love is here to stay|Mood
indigo|Moonlight in Vermont|Mountain greenery|Prelude to a kiss|Quiet nights of quiet stars
(Corcovado)|Satin doll|So nice|Someone to watch over me|Stompin' at the Savoy|Sunny|The way you
look tonight|Willow weep for me|Yesterdays