An American in Paris|Bidin' my time|But not for me|By Strauss|Clap yo' hands|Konzert F-Dur -
Satz 2|Delishious|Do do do|Do it again|Embraceable you|Fascinating rhythm|A foggy day|For you
for me for evermore|Funny face|The half of it dearie blues|He loves and she loves|High hat|How
long has this been going on|I got rhythm|I'll build a stairway to paradise|In the Mandarin's
Orchid garden|Isn't it a pity|I've got a crush on you|Let's call the whole thing off|Liza (All
the clouds'll roll away)|Lorelei|Love is here to stay|Love is sweeping the country Gershwin
George + Ira|Love walked in|The man I love|Maybe|My cousin in Milwaukee|My one and only (What
am I gonna do)|Nice work if you can get it|Of thee I sing|Oh Lady be good|Prelude 1|Prelude
2|Prelude 3|Rhapsody in blue|Slap that bass|Somebody loves me|Someone to watch over
me|Soon|Swanee|Sweet and low down|S' wonderful|They all laughed|They can't take that away from
me|Who cares (so long as you care for me)