Old time religion|We thank you o Lord|Amazing grace|We love thee o lord|Just as I am|Just a
closer walk with thee|One heart one mind|O how I love Jesus|Am I a soldier of the
cross|Whispering hope|Peace I give you|Faith of our fathers|Savior like a shepherd lead
us|Jesus is his name|Pass me not|There's river of life|When we all get to heaven|Peace perfect
peace|Mine eyes and my desire|Praise him in the morning|Leaning on the everlasting arms|Grant
us thy holy spirit 1|Percious memories|May God bless and richly keep you|Nearer my god to
thee|Holy spirit dwell in me|Softly and tenderly|Sounds of singing sounds of dancing 1|Rock of
ages|Near the cross|Jesus loves the little children|Bringing in the sheaves|Worthy and
holy|Sweet hour of prayer|Kum ba yah|What a friend we have in Jesus|Shall we gather at the
river|Daily sing the praises|Grant us thy holy spirit 2|He's all I need|Come sound his praise
aboard|Beautiful life|Let the lower lights be burning|Sounds of singing sounds of dancing 2