All beautiful the march of days|All praise to thee my god this night|Amazing grace|Be thou my
vision|Christ the lord is risen today|Come thou fount of every blessing|From all that dwell
below the skies|Glory Glory Hallelujah|Guide my feet|His eye is on the sparrow|Holy holy
holy|How can I keep from singing|I'm so glad Jesus lifted me|I've got peace like a river|Let us
break bread together|Lord I want to be a Christian|A mighty fortress is our god|Now thank we
all our god|Our god our help in ages past|Praise god from whom all blessings flow|Shall we
gather at the river|Sometimes I feel like a motherless child|There is a balm in gilead|This
little light of mine|Wade in the water|Wayfaring stranger|We gather together|Were you
there|What wondrous love is this