All the things you are|All the way|Always and forever|And so it goes Joel Billy|Another day
in paradise Collins Phil|Autumn leaves|Bali ha'I|Beyond the sea|Bridge over troubled water
Simon + Garfunkel|But beautiful|Can't help falling in love Presley Elvis|Charade|Come rain or
come shine Caldara Antonio|Dance with my father|Days of wine and roses|Deep in a dream|Don't
know much|Embraceable you|Emily|Hallelujah|Heal the world Jackson Michael|Here there and
everywhere Beatles|How deep is your love Bee Gees|I concentrate on you|I didn't know what
time it was|I don't know why|I dreamed a dream|I only have eyes for you|I walk a little
faster|I wanna be loved|I wish I didn't love you so|If|I'll be around|I'll get by|I'll
know|I'll string along with you|I'm old fashioned|Imagine Lennon John|It might be
you|Jean|Just squeeze me|Just the way you are|Laura|Like someone in love|Lost in the stars|Love
is here to stay|Michelle Beatles|More (Ti guardero nel cuore)|My heart stood still|My heart
will go on Dion Celine|My old flame|My one and only love|Nancy with the laughing face|Night
and day|On my own|Once upon a summertime|Once upon a time|Over the rainbow|Pieces of
dreams|Ribbon in the sky Wonder Stevie|Rule the world|Shape of my heart|She's always a woman
Joel Billy|Some other time|Someone to watch over me|Sometimes when we touch|Somewhere in
time|Spring can really hang you up the most|Spring is here|Street of dreams|Streets of
London|Summertime|Sunrise sunset|That's all|The look of love|Their hearts were full of
spring|There is no greater love|They say it's wonderful|This can't be love|Three times a lady
Commodores|Time after time|Time in a bottle Croce Jim|Too late now|Touch the hand of
love|Unchained melody Righteous Brothers|Unexpected song|Up where we belong Cocker
Joe|Walking in Memphis COHN MARC|What are you doing the rest of your life|When she loved
me|When the world was young|Where are you|Where do I begin (Theme from Love Story)|Where do you
start|While we're young|You are not alone|You raise me up|Your song John Elton