Das Canon EF 100 mm f 2 USM-Objektiv bietet fantastische Geschwindigkeit in einem robusten und
praktischen Gehäuse. Mit Blick auf die Geschwindigkeit eröffnet die f 2-Blende Möglichkeiten im
Profi- und Amateurbereich. Das feste Objektiv sorgt für Fokus und Konzentration auf eine
bestimmte Brennweite. This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the
description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but
do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described.
Cosmetically this item would be placed within our condition rating. Please Note: This item has
a significant amount of fungus in the internal elements and the Autofocus is not functional.
This means that the item can only be used in manual focus and that the fungus can have an
impact on the image under certain conditions. Additionally the item must be kept separatlely
from other equipment due to the fungus. For these reasons the item is being sold as spares and