Dimming the next step in energy savingThis intelligent high-frequency electronic dimming
ballast utilizes the DALI or Touch and Dim push-button protocol for fluorescent lamps. It meets
A1BAT requirements thereby pre-empting upcoming legislation. With a special command you can
retrieve the systems mains power consumption and with another you can find out which lamp
wattage is connected. Combined with controls additional energy savings can be achieved.
Product Benefits Extremely low stand-by losses controlled cut-off for dim levels above 80%
hybrid control dimming (current control at 100% and power control at 1%) - combined with MASTER
TL5 Eco the most energy-efficient solution HF operation improves light quality and lamp
lifetime. Compliant with European and Asian norms and suitable for emergency lighting
systemsProduct Features HF-R Intelligent recognizes what type of lamp (T5 HE HO ECO TL-D
PL-L) is connected and drives it accordingly