One daily juiceHurom H100 is what we would call an Ego slow juicer as the machine is designed
to make a few glasses of slow juice at a time. Cleaning takes one minute and there is even
minimal pulp residue in the sink after cleaning. The machine must be cleaned after one jug of
juice so it is best suited for you who juice a little every day.The new Hurom slow juicer is
simple to assemble - all you have to do to get ready to squeeze juice is insert the chamber
into the groove at the bottom. In addition the Hurom H100 is incredibly quiet so you do not
have to worry about waking the family if you make juice early in the morning - or late in the
evening.Juice in no timeThe ingredients should be cut into smaller pieces and fed to the
machine quietly. This is due to a smaller insertion tube than for example Kuvings C9640. This
is easily done by washing and preparing the ingredients while we are juicing so that the total
juice time is only a few minutes.The bottom of the juice bowl has a slope of seven degrees so
you get every drop of juice out when you have finished juicing - completely without having to
tip the machine yourself.The smart design is compact fits into even a smaller kitchen and the
machine is pleasantly quiet. Hurom H100 is also ingenious for juicing leafy greens and fibrous
vegetables such as. celery - however it still needs to be cut into slightly smaller pieces.One
obstacle lessWe have the choice to take the Hurom H100 into the shop because we know that
cleaning the juice machine can get in the way of a daily juice. Now there is one less obstacle
to getting a delicious nutritious and freshly squeezed slow juice every day.The filter system
in Hurom H100 does not make use of the traditional sieve which is found in other slow juicers.
This makes the machine easy to clean but at the same time it must be cleaned between each jug
of juice to get the best result. Hurom's filter system is designed to prevent the accumulation
of pulp and you can therefore clean them by simply rinsing them under running water. Because
there are no sharp blades in the strainer it is both convenient to clean but also safe to
handle. Plastic parts are produced in BPA-free plastic.