Hustle culture isn't working for women. If you've ever . . . had too many things to do and not
enough time to do them lost focus of your priorities and questioned your lack of motivation or
drive believed that if you slowed down your business would fail and the life you have worked
so hard to create would crumble . . . you're not alone. Entrepreneur bestselling author and
business coach Jadah Sellner knows what it's like to be burned out in debt and just barely
holding on to a new business. In the process of launching and building multiple companies she
realized today's aggressive 24 7 hustle culture wasn't working for her-or for her clients. In
She Builds Sellner shares a new entrepreneurial model for women centered on sustainable
leadership-a practical framework they can use to create a business on their own terms
prioritize their well-being and break free from the toxic culture that leads to burnout. She
Builds rests on four essential principles of L.O.V.E.: LEAD: Define enough and surround
yourself with the support you need to build a business that lasts. OPTIMIZE: Learn tangible
strategies for focusing on what matters to help you and your business thrive. VISUALIZE: Create
a clear yet flexible twelve-month road map that turns your dreams into reality. EXPAND: Develop
a solid foundation for growth and longevity without losing yourself in the process. Stepping
back isn't a failure it's a strategy. Sellner reminds us that we need to lead with love in
life and business starting with ourselves and moving outward to our families our teams our
communities and the customers we serve. Filled with inspiring personal stories case studies
interactive exercises and real-world advice She Builds will help you grow your business and
have time to enjoy your life too.