The renowned global thought leader and Google's first Chief Innovation Evangelist introduces a
forward-thinking mindstate that will help you navigate ambiguity and uncertainty with intention
transform problems and challenges into profound opportunities and create exactly the future
you want to see. What if you could choose your future? When we're kids the future is exciting
to imagine. Then we grow up and soon the events and circumstances of our lives overwhelm us and
before we know it we're afraid of tomorrow waiting to see what the future drops on us instead
of chasing after the future we want to have. Rather than bracing for what happens next Dr.
Frederik G. Pferdt argues that you can be making what happens next. You can respond to
unexpected challenges--big and small--by turning them into opportunities with a "future-ready
mindstate": using optimism openness curiosity experimentation empathy and what Dr. Pferdt
calls our Dimension X--the unique lens through which each of us sees the world not as it is
but as we are. Both inspirational and actionable What's Next Is Now engages your personal
sense of discovery providing dozens of thoughtful exercises and illustrations real-world
practices and provocative insights from people who have adopted a future-ready mindstate to
craft exceptional futures for themselves. Now let What's Next Is Now help you build your
remarkable future.