A gaelic blessing|A new commandment|A prayer of St Columba|Alive in me|Alleluia Byrd
William|Alleluia|All praise eternal son to thee|And art thou come with us to dwell|Ave Maria
Bullard Alan|Ave verum corpus KV 618 Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus|Be glad in the lord and
rejoice|Be thou my vision|Before the ending of the day Andrew Kerry|Bethlehem of noblest
cities|Blest are the pure in heart|Brother James's Air|Christ be with me Pachelbel
Johann|Christ the lord is risen again|Come holy spirit|Come lord Jesus|Come o come our voices
raise|Come ye faithful|Evening service|Father we praise you|Fill your hearts with joy and
gladness|Give ear unto me|Glory to the lamb|God be in my head|God so loved the world|He whom
angels worship|Hosanna to the son of David|I believe Moore Philip|If ye love me Tallis
Thomas|In my heart|Lead me lord|Let all people praise you Lord|Lift up your heads ye mighty
gates|Litany to the holy spirit Hurford Peter|Lord for thy tender mercy's sake|Magnificat
Bullard Alan|Magnificat Dyson George|May the road rise to meet you|My peace I give unto
you|My spirit longs for thee|Nunc dimittis Bullard Alan|Nunc dimittis Dyson George|O how
amiable|O king and desire of all nations Stainer John|O nata lux Jolliffe Edmund|O praise
the lord|O salutaris hostia|O wondrous sight o vision fair|Of the glorious body telling|Our
Father|Panis angelicus Casciolini Claudio|Praise be to god|Praise god from whom all blessings
flow|Rejoice today with one accord|Sheep may safely graze (Schafe können sicher weiden) Bach
Johann Sebastian|Sing to the lord of harvest|Spirit of God|Stars that shall be bright|Still
small voice|Take up your cross the saviour said|The call of wisdom|The lord ascendeth up on
high|The lord bless you and keep you|There is a green hill far away|They shall grow not
old|This joyful eastertide|We love the place o god|Wise men seeking Jesus